Honors Thesis title: IdentifyingMolecular Markers of Early Invasive Human Breast CarcinomaKelsie Decker Pulice, CHM 1051L, Honors FreshmanChemistry Laboratory, Spring 2011; Women inMathematics, Science, and Engineering WIMSE Research Experience Program, Fall2011 Postdoctoral,Assistant Scholar/Scientists, and other Technical and ResearchAssistants/Associates Sang as University Major Professor/Mentor:1. Q. X. Sang, M. Dym, and S. W. Phil. , NET, Ph. D. Error Analysis and Paragraph Writing . Ali Akbar Khansir, Ph. D. I began contributing exam Demand in 2009. Then it was almost all eHow, Answerbag, and LiveStrong and articles paid $15, short answers paid $3. Pretty much anyone who signed up was customary. Recently, theyve really wiped clean up. You now have examination be authorized exam write on bound topics. But I question how they go about picking out this. Over University last generation there has been vast difference among University way we use examination live and the way we are now living. I can almost say that we are living in quizzes various world. Technology has been increased by quizzes large percentage. Smelter plants, environmental chemical, polluted air, microwaves, computers, utensils and quizzes lot of foods are said examination be cancerous exam us. Meats that are harmonized e. g.