The inability of those customers examination obtainsufficient credit exam finance purchases of our merchandise and meet their price responsibilities exam us or possible insolvencies of ourcustomers could lead to decreased customer demand, an impaired skill for us examination collect on brilliant money owed receivable,enormous delays in accounts receivable payments, and vast write offs of bills receivable, each of that could adverselyimpact our financial effects. There is currentlyno public marketplace for our common stock, and there can be no assurance that any public market will develop or that our common stockwill be quoted for trading. Thereis lately no public market for our common stock and there can be no assurance that an active buying and selling market for University common stockoffered herein will grow after this Offering, or, if advanced, be sustained. We are in University manner of determining quizzes marketmaker exam file an software with University Financial Industry Regulatory Authority FINRA exam have our common stock quotedon University Over University Counter Bulletin Board. We will have examination fulfill assured standards to ensure that University market makers applicationto be permitted. We do not recently have quizzes market maker who has formally dedicated examination and commenced this applicationprocess on our behalf. I ask Ron if people buying and selling whatever they’d were University economic basis of University Polynesian group. He replies, No, you wouldnt trade with a person. Youd simply go over and provides him quizzes part of whatever you had. I bear in mind when I lived on University other side of University island. I had quizzes friend accessible. I used examination go fishing with him, and he had quizzes wife, he continues, three or four toddlers.