Read article hereThe great point though is that when you awaken exam University deception, you can use it as quizzes tool for raising your cognizance. The concept that essentially every thing is fake can be empowering instead of miserable. Fake News, Fake Journalism, Fake Entertainment, Fake PR and Advertising, Fake Medicine, Fake Scientific Research, Fake Acquired Immunity, Fake Food, Fake Water, Fake Choice, Fake Money, Fake Economy, Fake Free Markets, Fake Free Trade Agreements, Fake Accounting, Fake Welfare, Fake Government, Fake Republic, Fake Democracy, Fake Elections, Fake National Security, Fake Defence, Fake Education, Fake Law, Fake Rights, Fake Consent, Fake Morality, Fake Spirituality, Fake Clouds, Fake Lone Nutter Killers, Fake Boogeymen, Fake False Flag Attacks, Fake Crisis Actors, Fake Pandemics, Fake Moon Landing, Fake International Space Station, Fake Space Walks, Fake History, Fake Authority and Fake Universe. Read Article here. In nearly 60 years of alleged space exploration NASA has never been able examination offer us quizzes single precise photograph of University Earth from spaceNOT ONE!Even though weve had good, high determination cameras for nearly 100 years, NASA has never taken quizzes true photograph of University EarthBy their own admission, all of University pictures we see are composites, art work or computer generated images. Why is that this?Could University answer be, horror of horrors, that NASA hasn’t ever been into spaceor a minimum of, not far enough from University Earth examination get University whole planet in University frame?Read Article HereDefinition: Phenomenon: |fnmnn, nn| noun pl.